Monday, October 13, 2008

[KyiMayKaung] 7 New Entries: Burma signs energy deal with Singapore and Thailand --

Burma signs energy deal with Singapore and Thailand --

Hurricane Ike sunsets --

Paleantologist finds fossil of mammoth tooth after Hurricane Ike --

on Bolivar Peninsula, in Texas --

Maybe anyone else might not have recognized it.

Machu Picchu

Tibetan Blue Poppy (meconopsis)

In bud --

Never yet seen in the flesh.

And another blue poppy shot --

It's worth dying after you've seen a blue poppy once.

Kyi May Kaung

Presdt. Bush and financial rescue plan --

Make sure to watch the video clip of his speech --

meanwhile McCain campaign does rabble rousing and "character assassination."

In my view, Obama makes the most sense and has the best grasp of economics of the two presidential candidates. The rabble is frightening and a presidential nominee should not resort to such tactics which could get out of hand.

An interview Friday night of George Soros on Bill Moyers Journal was the most enlightening about what is happening.

Kyi May Kaung

Renowned literature critic Harold Bloom on (financial) panic --

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